Dr Stephen Allison – Colorectal Surgeon
Creating the best environment to assist you through your surgical experience
Stephen Allison’s combination of training, experience, involvement in onging surgical education and passion for quality surgical care creates the best environment to assist you through your surgical experience.
Dr Allison consults at Greenslopes Private Hospital and Mater Redlands Hospital and is a visiting specialist at Mater Miseriaecordie Hospitals at South Brisbane and Cleveland, and at Greenslopes Private Hospital.
Dr Allison has been performing general surgery full time since 1994 and currently holds several appointments:
- Head of the Department of Surgery at the Greenslopes Private Hospital
- Senior Lecturer and Head of Surgical Training for the University of Queensland at the Greenslopes Private Hospital
- Surgical supervisor for General Surgical Specialist Training of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons at Greenslopes Private Hospital
- Chairman of the Medical Education Committee, Greenslopes Private Hospital
- Head of Surgery for Year 3 and Year 4 surgical students for the Greenslopes Medical School, which is affiliated with the University of Queensland
- Surgical member of the Medical Review Committee, Greenslopes Private Hospital
Dr Allison has a wide range of experience in both general surgical and colorectal diseases.

Stephen Allison (Dr.) Education and Qualifications
Stephen Allison (Dr.) graduated from the University of Queensland School of Medicine in 1989 with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and commenced 4 years of specialist training in 1994. He was awarded the title Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in December 1997.
During his time abroad to he completed his Colorectal Subspecialist Training with fellowship years in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom in 1998 and at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA in 1999. At these centres he developed extensive skills in laparoscopic surgery (key-hole surgery) and surgical management of pelvic floor disorders.
After returning to Australia in 2000 Dr. Allison began work in Colorectal and General Surgery in Brisbane and became a full member of the CSSANZ (Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand) in 2003.
Dr Allison is an active and current member of:
Expertise gained by performing thousands of Bowel Resections, Laparoscopic Resections, Robotic Resections and Colonoscopies
Dr Allison is an expert in the treatment of bowel cancer. He performs colonoscopy. He has performed over 5100 bowel resections. Over 2000 of these were laparoscopic resections. With more acceptance and patient enthusiasm for the laparoscopic approach, the numbers of patients undergoing laparoscopic resections have certainly outnumbered those undergoing open procedures over the last 20 years in private practice. More recently, Dr Allison has embraced the role of robotic surgery. He has performed over 130 robotic operations with great success.
Gall Bladder Pathology and Hernia Repairs
Dr Allison has extensive experience with General Surgical conditions such as gall bladder pathology and hernias. He has performed over 1500 laparoscopic cholecystectomies, as well as over a 2000 hernia repairs, both laparoscopic and open.
Founder of the Anorectal Physiology Laboratory
Dr Allison has a special interest and extensive experience in functional bowel disorders including constipation and faecal incontinence. Dr Allison founded the Anorectal Physiology Laboratory at the Greenslopes Private Hospital in 2003. He has recently further upgraded this service to a new state-of-art the laboratory to provide optimum care for functional bowel disorders.
Dr Allison treats all forms of anorectal pathology and was the surgical fellow for the HIV clinic at the Los Angeles County Hospital in 1999.
Dr Allison continues to be at the cutting edge in quality surgical care by organizing weekly clinical meetings for surgeons in his role as Head of Surgery at the Greenslopes Private Hospital. He regularly attends scientific meetings in Australia and overseas and reviews current literature. His clinical data has been presented at the Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
To find out more or to schedule an appointment please call Tel: 07 3397 2634 or use our CONTACT PAGE.
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